We have put together a set of questions that have been asked about our policies and practices. If you have further questions about our firm, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our friendly staff is eager to assist you with your needs.
My firm is communications oriented in that I have developed specific objectives in terms of providing my business clients with frequent information that I believe will help them be more efficient, effective and profitable in their business. I do a tremendous amount of reading, and I will forward you copies of articles from time to time that pertains to your business.
My firm has the skills to meet many, if not most of your business needs. However, for those areas where outside assistance is required, I am more than happy to either work with other consultants with whom you have a relationship or recommend consultants who specialize in the areas in which you have needs.
While there are a number of reasons, a primary one is that you get more services for the same price. In addition to the typical tasks performed by CPAs for their clients, I am interested in helping my clients be more efficient, effective and profitable in their businesses. I take specific steps to accomplish this, including staying up to date on the latest tax laws, investment opportunities and business/industry developments. I pass this information on to my clients through written and verbal communications, including sending clients copies of articles I think may be of interest to them and their businesses.
Further, I care. I want my clients to be successful and I take a personal interest in helping them succeed. Don’t be surprised to see me drop by your office from time to time just to see how you are doing.
Finally, I am “client-driven”. My primary (and expressly stated) objective is to please my clients. And I will go to great lengths to accomplish this. When you retain my firm, you receive total commitment to help you succeed, and to help you benefit from doing business with my firm.
Again, there are several reasons.
First, I do not wish to cause my clients any inconvenience for doing business with my firm, so I will make arrangements to pick up and deliver at least once weekly, either at a secure drop-off point in your city or at your place of business.
Second, my firm offers more services for the same price. I want to help you be more profitable, and I have identified specific ways of accomplishing this, again at no cost to you.
A large part of my business is the preparation of personal income tax returns in addition to other related personal financial matters such as estate, tax and financial services. When my firm works with businesses, I anticipate handling the personal tax matters of the owners and related individuals. It is part of meeting my objective to assist my clients from an overall tax and financial standpoint.
There are several methods of billing. In most cases, I can quote a flat fee for recurring services such as monthly or quarterly financial statements, quarterly payroll returns, sales tax returns, etc. In many cases, I will match the fee you are currently paying for these same services. Though I normally charge a set-up fee for new clients, it will be waived, if you retain my firm within the time frame set forth in my proposal.
Other services, such as income tax preparation and business advisory services are billed at standard hourly rates which are competitive with other firms. I will provide an estimate of fees upon request for any projects.
I request that payment for recurring (flat fee) services accompany the work when it is brought or sent in. In this manner, I am able to avoid processing receivables and, as a result, am able to quote better fees for this type of work. Fees for income tax return preparation are billed upon completion of the return and are due when the return is picked up, delivered or before it is mailed to you. All other work, incidentals, etc., are billed at the end of the month and are due by the 10th of the month following. Business consulting projects (such as business plans, loan packages, etc.) are progress billed monthly. Retainers will be required at the outset of work on larger projects.
My firm is communications oriented in that I have developed specific objectives in terms of providing my business clients with frequent information that I believe will help them be more efficient, effective and profitable in their business. I do a tremendous amount of reading, and I will forward you copies of articles from time to time that pertain to your business.
I periodically offer seminars and workshops dealing with such issues as taxation, business management and computer technology. These seminars are offered to my business clients and invited guests on a complimentary basis.
I have substantial experience in dealing with most types of businesses. Whether or not my firm has worked with a business like yours, I will visit you at the outset to become familiar with your operation. My philosophy is that for me to help you effectively, I must fully understand your business.
My firm has the skills to meet many, if not most of your business needs. However, for those areas where outside assistance is required, I am more than happy to either work with other consultants with whom you have a relationship, or recommend consultants who specialize in the areas in which you have needs.
I determine a turn-around time with each client. We may, for example negotiate a five-day-business turn-around time for monthly financial statements. In other words, work brought or sent in on Monday will be ready at least by the following Monday. Tax returns are generally ready within two weeks from form the date received (in complete form). The turn-around time on special projects is negotiated on a per-project basis. Of course, I will always make arrangements to meet the special needs of my clients.
Ultimately a firm is not usually judged by whether problems or concerns arise, but how they are resolved. My firm is client-driven firm. My sole objective is to satisfy my clients by providing excellent service at a fair price. Additionally, I want my clients to receive more benefits than they except, and at no additional cost. To accomplish this, I must know what my clients think about my firm. Accordingly, I send client surveys to every business client annually. I am sincere when I specifically ask for candid feedback. I want to know what you think so I can serve you best. But don’t wait for my survey if you have a concern – tell mo now – I want you to be happy with my firm and the service I provide.
My policy is simple – I return all calls on the day I receive them, period. This system has few failures, but should you experience one, call me back immediately and tell me I failed. I will track down the problem and provide you with an explanation. In those few instances where my system does fail, you can bet something unusual has occurred, such as failure to receive the message.
You can expect prompt service and a completion date we mutually agree upon. And if you don’t like my proposed completion date, tell me! I will make every effort to accommodate you. I realize business problems seldom happen at an opportune time. It is my policy to “drop everything” when a client has an emergency and help them bring the problem to resolution.